Monday, December 25, 2006

An Introduction to the Brazilian Market in Izmir Chamber of Commerce

to read the whole article in TURKISH / TÜRKÇE check this link ->

On December 25th, 2006, a meeting to introduce the Brazilian market was held in our Chamber. Official Representative and Director of Intergovernmental Commercial Transactions of the Brazil-Turkey Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Ömer Kürşat Evci has made a presentation in the event. The Honorary Consul of Brazil to İzmir, Ali Tamer Bozoklar was also present in the meeting, which members of our Chamber attended.

Evci has informed the audience about his Chamber, the city of São Paulo and the commercial and economic potential between Brazil and Turkey. Emphasizing that the trade volume between the two countries is very small, Evci has stated that Turkey should take a bigger role in the Brazilian market. He has also expressed that Turkey is not well-known in Brazil.

He has said that the neighbors of Brazil, which is the largest market of Latin America and the fifth largest market of the world, are also large Latin American countries.

Meanwhile, Bozoklar has underlined the great potential between the two countries. He has expressed that our businessmen need active marketing in order to enter the Brazilian Market. Bozoklar has stated that Brazil and Turkey can cooperate in the tourism, agriculture and livestock sectors.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

İstanbul'da Dış Ticaret Kompleksi'nde İGEME "Brezilya Ülke Toplantısı"

Câmara de Comércio Industria e Turismo Brasil – Turquia ->
Ömer Kursat Evci, Ex-Diretor da Comissão de Relações Governamentais da CCIBT, em apresentação realizada sobre as oportunidades Comerciais no Brasil e as Empresas associadas à Câmara de Comércio Industria e Turismo Brasil – Turquia para os empresários em Istanbul - Turquia. Ömer Kursat Evci, Diretor da Comissão de Relações Govermentais, na mesma viagem, realizou apresentação da Conjuntura Econômica do Brasil, Oportunidades de Negócios, nossos associados para os Empresários Associados da Câmara Comercial de Izmir, em Izmir na Turquia.

IGEME (İhracatı Geliştirme Etüd Merkezi) 2006 YILI OCAK-ARALIK FAALİYET RAPORU

İGEME ve Brezilya-Türkiye Ticaret, Sanayi ve Turizm Odası işbirliği ile 20 Aralık 2006 tarihinde  İstanbul'da Dış Ticaret Kompleksi'nde "Brezilya Ülke Toplantısı" gerçekleştirilmiştir.  Oda Direktörü Sayın Ömer Kürşat Evci'nin konuşmacı olarak katıldığı toplantıda Brezilya'nın ülke ve piyasa olarak son durumu, Brezilya ile ticaret ve bu pazarda yatırım imkanları, Brezilya-Türkiye Ticaret, Sanayi ve Turizm Odası ve MERCOSUL ülkeleri hakkında bilgiler sunulmuştur. Programa 50 kişi katılmıştır.